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Text File  |  1996-09-11  |  18KB  |  304 lines

  1. Quake Command List - updated for shareware release
  2. by Mark Hughes 
  4. Contributions from:
  5.   Robert Fairlie-Cuninghame
  6.   jpbico
  7.   gjones@cris.com
  8.   Kris Nosack
  9.   Arkady Zilberberg
  10.   James V. Kracht
  11.   Wander S. Koldewijn
  14. alias {alias} {command}                Define a console alias.  Multiple cmds
  15.                                        can be separated by semicolons.
  17. bf                                     Screen flashes bright a moment.  Used
  18.                                        when you pick things up.
  20. bgmvolume {0.0-1.0}                    Set background music volume
  22. bind {key} {command}                   Set a keyboard key to a specific action
  23.     key :=
  24.       any printable ASCII char except semicolon, SEMICOLON,
  28.       F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12,
  29.       AUX1, AUX2, AUX3, AUX4, AUX5, AUX6, AUX7, AUX8, AUX9,
  30.       MOUSE1, MOUSE2, MOUSE3
  32.     command :=
  33.       +attack, +back, +forward, +forward2, +jump, +left, +lookdown, +lookup,
  34.       +mlook, +movedown, +moveleft, +moveright, +moveup, +right, +showscores,
  35.       +speed, +strafe, +use, "command [; command]..." or ""
  37.     If the first character in {command} is "+", a "-command" to turn the
  38.     effect off will be produced when the key is released, but only for the
  39.     first command, if more than one is given.
  40.     See techinfo.txt for examples.
  42. cl_anglespeedkey {0.0+}                Degrees to turn with each press of an
  43.                                        angle key - left, right, lookup,
  44.                                        lookdown.  Default 2.0.
  46. cl_backspeed {value}                   Set your backward movement speed.
  47.                                        Default 160, max =sv_maxspeed.
  48. cl_bob {0.0-1.0}                       Default 0.02
  49. cl_bobcycle {0.1+}                     Default 0.6
  50. cl_bobup {0.0-1.0}                     Set amount of bobbing - 0 induces sea-
  51.                                        sickness, 1 is none.  Default 0.5.
  52. cl_forwardspeed {value}  Set your forward movement speed.
  53.                                        Default 200, max =sv_maxspeed.
  54. cl_movespeedkey {0.0+}                 Set how much move keys move you.
  55.                                        Default 2.0.
  56. cl_nolerp {n}                          ???  Default 0
  57. cl_pitchcenterspeed {n}                How fast to recenter view when you move.
  58.                                        Default 400.
  59. cl_pitchdriftspeed {n}                 Default 40.
  60. cl_pitchspeed {n}                      Keyboard lookup/down speed. Default 100.
  61. cl_rollangle {n}                       Default 2.0
  62. cl_rollspeed {n}                       Default 200
  63. cl_shownet                             Show how many network buffers remain
  64. cl_sidespeed {value}                   Set your sidestep/strafing speed.
  65.                                        Default 320.
  66. cl_ticrate {n}                         ???  Default 0.03
  67. cl_upspeed {n}                         Set how much the up key makes you jump.
  68.                                        Default 200
  69. cl_yawspeed {n}                        Default 140
  70. clear                                  Clear console buffer
  71. color {0-15 = solid character color}   Set your color in the game
  72. color {0-15 = armor} {0-15 = jumpsuit}
  73. com1|com2 [options]                    Connect to com port
  74.     [enable|disable] [dial|answer] [reset] [port {port}] [irq {irq}]
  75.     [baud {baudrate}] [8250|16550] [-cts|+cts] [-dtr|+dtr] [-cd|+cd]
  76.     [startup {initstring}] [shutdown {shutdownstring}]
  77. connect [{name}]                       Connect to a server
  78. coop {0/1}                             Cooperative play
  79. d_adrawflat {0/1}                      Draw alias models without textures?
  80.                                        Default 0.
  81. d_showsubdiv {0/1}                     Align textures by units of 16?
  82. deathmatch {0/1}                       Deathmatch mode - if both deathmatch 1
  83.                                        and coop 1 are used, monsters will be in
  84.                                        play as well as deathmatch.  This has
  85.                                        the odd side-effect of always restarting
  86.                                        you with whatever weapons you had when
  87.                                        you left the starting hall.
  88. demos                                  Start playing next demo
  89. disconnect                             Disconnect from the current server
  90. echo {text}                            Display a message on your own screen
  91. edict {n}
  92. edictcount
  93. edicts                                 List all edicts in the current map
  94. entities                               List all entities in the current map
  95. exec {filename}                        Execute a configuration file
  96. fly                                    Toggle flight mode - note that you
  97.                                        cannot pick anything up in flight mode.
  98. fov {angle}                            Set field of view.  Default 90.  Only
  99.                                        takes effect after a screen resize.
  100. fraglimit {value}                      Set the amount of frags at which the
  101.                                        game will quit.  Default 20.
  102. gamma {0.0-2.0}                        Set gamma correction.  Default 1.0
  103. give {thing} {quantity}                Give thing to player - thing is any of:
  104.                                        R rockets, S shells, N = nails,
  105.                                        C = cells, H = health, 1-8 = weapon
  106. god                                    Toggle god mode
  107. host_framerate {0-0.01}                Change the speed of the game.
  108.                                        Default 0.  To go slower, use 0.01.
  109. host_speeds {0/1}                      Display host speeds (milliseconds)
  110. hostname {name}                        Set the name of this server
  111. impulse 1                              Axe
  112. impulse 2                              Shotgun
  113. impulse 3                              Double Shotgun
  114. impulse 4                              Nailgun
  115. impulse 5                              Perforator
  116. impulse 6                              Grenade Launcher
  117. impulse 7                              Rocket Launcher
  118. impulse 8                              Lightning Gun
  119. impulse 9                              Get all weapons & ammo
  120. impulse 10                             Switch to next weapon
  121. impulse 11                             Get another rune
  122. impulse -1                             Quad damage cheat
  123. kill                                   Commit suicide
  124. killserver                             Kills server and ends the game
  125. load {filename}                        Load game from {filename}
  126. lookspring {speed}                     Make your "freelook" button auto-center.
  127.                                        Default 0.
  128. lookstrafe {0/1}                       If 1, strafe instead of turning.
  129. m_filter {n}                           Mouse filter - gets rid of small jitters
  130. m_forward {n}                          Mouse filter
  131. m_pitch {n}                            Mouse pitch filter.  Default 0.022
  132. m_side {n}                             Mouse filter
  133. m_yaw {n}                              Mouse filter
  134. map {name}                             Start a map
  135. menu_keys                              Menu: keys selection
  136. menu_load                              Menu: load game
  137. menu_main                              Menu: main screen
  138. menu_net                               Menu: network play
  139. menu_options                           Menu: options
  140. menu_save                              Menu: save game
  141. messagemode                            Everything you type until ENTER will be
  142.                                        sent to the other players.
  143. messagemode2                           Everything you type until ENTER will be
  144.                                        sent to the rest of your team
  145. name {string}                          Set your name in the game
  146. net_messagetimeout {seconds}           How long to wait for messages before
  147.                                        breaking connection.  Default 180.
  148. net_stats                              Network statistics
  149. net_speeds {0/1}                       Display transfer rates?
  150. noclip                                 Toggle noclipping mode - walk through
  151.                                        walls and ignore gravity.
  152. nosound {0/1}                          If 1, no new sounds will be started.
  153.                                        Default 0.
  154. notarget                               Toggle notargeting mode - if notarget is
  155.                                        on, monsters will ignore you unless you
  156.                                        attack them.
  157. numchannels {channels}                 Set number of software sound channels
  158. pausable {0/1}                         Set whether or not "pause" works
  159. pause                                  Pause the game
  160. play {filename.wav}                    Play a .wav file (filename can be a full
  161.                                        path, relative to ./sound/, or just the
  162.                                        basename)  Multiple sounds can be
  163.                                        specified, and they will be played
  164.                                        simultaneously.
  165. playdemo {filename.dem}                Play a demo
  166. playvol {filename.wav} {volume 0.0-1.0} ...
  167. progrestart                            Clear cache, reload map and programs
  168. quit                                   Quit Quake
  169. r_aliasstats {0/1}                     Display info about alias models
  170. r_clearcolor {0-255}                   Change color of dead space outside a
  171.                                        map.  Default 2.
  172. r_drawentities {0/1}                   Draw entities (weapons, monsters)?
  173. r_drawflat {0/1}                       Draw view as flat-colored polygons or
  174.                                        texture-mapped polygons
  175. r_draworder {0/1}                      Draw order 0=correctly or 1=backwards
  176. r_drawviewmodel {0/1}                  Show the weapon?
  177. r_dspeeds {0/1}                        Show video timings
  178. r_fullbright {0/1}                     Light amplification
  179. r_graphheight {n}                      Height of r_timegraph.  Default 10.
  180. r_maxedges                             Maximum number edges (min 1000??)
  181. r_maxsurfs                             Maximum number of surfaces (min ???)
  182. r_numedges                             Shows realtime info on edges
  183. r_numsurfs                             Shows realtime info on surfaces
  184. r_showpolys {0/1}                      Outline all visible polys
  185. r_showverts {0/1}                      Presumably shows vertices, but has no
  186.                                        visible effect.
  187. r_speeds {0/1}                         Display drawing speeds
  188. r_timegraph {0/1}                      Display a graph of how fast the system
  189.                                        is running - like xload.
  190. r_waterwarp {0/1}                      Use water warping effect under water?
  191. r_wave {0/1}                           Visual effect of being underwater.  Only
  192.                                        works in mode 0, and isn't used by water
  193.                                        itself.
  194. reconnect                              Reconnect to a lost server
  195. record [{demofile} [{map} [{cd track}]]]  Start or stop recording a demo -
  196.                                        defaults to "demo.dem"
  197. restart                                Reload map
  198. savesnd {sound effect relative pathname}
  199. save {filename}                        Save game to {filename}
  200. say {text}                             Send text to all other players
  201. say_team {text}                        Send text to everyone on your team.
  202. sbinfo                                 Debugging info
  203. scr_conspeed {value}                   Speed that the console scrolls up/down
  204. scr_ofsx {n}, scr_ofsy {n}, scr_ofsz {n}  Offsets to viewpoint - useful for
  205.                                        map views, clairvoyance, etc.
  206. screenshot                             Save a .pcx file in ./
  207. sensitivity {value}                    Set your mouse sensitivity.  Default 2.
  208. showpause {0/1}                        Show the [PAUSED] graphic?
  209. showram {0/1}                          Show the "short on memory" ram chip?
  210. showturtle {0/1}                       Show the "slow machine" turtle?
  211. sizedown                               Just like hitting "-" (viewsize -= 10)
  212. sizeup                                 Just like hitting "+" (viewsize += 10)
  213. skill {n}                              Skill level - easy, medium, hard,
  214.                                        nightmare
  215. slist                                  List all available servers
  216. snd_show                               List all sounds currently playing
  217. sound [speed {n}] [bits {8|16}] [channels {n}] [reset]
  218. soundinfo                              Display current "sound" settings
  219. soundlist                              List all sound samples in the .pak file
  220.                                        and their speed & bits
  221. startdemos                             Start playing demos.  Normally called
  222.                                        in quake.rc.
  223. status                                 Display hostname, map, players, and frag
  224.                                        scores.
  225. stop                                   Stops recording demo
  226. stopdemo                               Stops playing current demo
  227. stopsound                              Stop sound currently being played
  228. stuffcmds                              Execute all +exec command-line args.
  229.                                        Normally called by quake.rc.
  230. sv_accelerate {accel}                  How quickly you accelerate - at 0, you
  231.                                        can't start walking.  Default 10.
  232.                                        Higher values seem to have little effect
  233. sv_aim {fuzz}                          Auto-aiming fuzz factor.  Default 0.93
  234. sv_friction {friction}                 How quickly you stop moving after you
  235.                                        stop holding down the move key: 0=ice
  236.                                        skating, 1=slick, 4=normal, 8=sticky
  237.                                        floor.  Default 4.
  238. sv_gravity {gravity}                   How much the universe sucks.  {=200, you
  239.                                        can fly; 800 is normal; at 3200 you can
  240.                                        barely hop up a stair.
  241. sv_idealpitchscale {0.0-1.0}           Auto-pitching for stairs, slopes.
  242.                                        Default 0.8.
  243. sv_maxspeed {speed}                    Change the maximum speed of the player.
  244.                                        Default 320.
  245. sv_maxvelocity {speed}                 Maximum speed limit of the universe.
  246.                                        Default 2000.
  247. sv_nostep {0/1}                        If 1, you do not automatically go up
  248.                                        stairs - you have to hop up them one at
  249.                                        a time.
  250. sv_stopspeed {n}                       Change how quickly you come to a stop.
  251.                                        Default is 100, but it does not seem to
  252.                                        be as effective as sv_friction.
  253. sys_ticrate {seconds}                  Rate at which the server sends out
  254.                                        update packets.  Default 0.05.  Try 0.1
  255.                                        to 0.17 on a slow net.connect or over a
  256.                                        modem.  Very fast LANs may handle even
  257.                                        lower numbers.
  258. teamplay {0/1}                         Set team mode.  Default 0 (deathmatch).
  259. timelimit {value}                      Set the amount of time the game will
  260.                                        last before quitting
  261. timerefresh                            Find out how fast your system is - does
  262.                                        a 360' in place, and displays the time
  263.                                        and FPS.
  264. toggleconsole                          Pull the console up or down - normally
  265.                                        bound to ~.
  266. v_kickpitch {0.0-1.0}                  Change in pitch (forward/back) when
  267.                                        wounded.  Default 0.6
  268. v_kickroll {0.0-1.0}                   Change in roll (lean over) when wounded.
  269.                                        Default 0.6
  270. v_kicktime {seconds}                   How long kick lasts.  Default 0.5
  271. version                                Display exe version date & time
  272. viewsize {n}                           Size of the visible window.  Default 100
  273. vid_describecurrentmode                Lists the description for the current
  274.                                        video mode
  275. vid_describemode {mode #}              Lists the description for the specified
  276.                                        video mode
  277. vid_describemodes                      Lists descriptions for all available
  278.                                        video modes
  279. vid_mode {mode #}                      Sets the display to the specified mode
  280.      0:  320x200
  281.      1:  320x200
  282.      2:  360x200
  283.      3:  320x240
  284.      4:  360x240
  285.      5:  320x350
  286.      6:  360x350
  287.      7:  320x400
  288.      8:  360x400
  289.      9:  320x480
  290.     10:  360x480
  291. vid_nopageflip                         Disables page flipping (VESA modes only)
  292. vid_nummodes                           Reports the number of modes available
  293. vid_testmode {mode #}                  Switch to the specified mode, then
  294.                                        return after 5 seconds
  295. vid_wait {wait type}                   Sets the type of waiting
  296.     0: no waiting
  297.     1: wait for vertical sync active
  298.     2: wait for display enable active
  299. volume {n}                             Sound effect volume.  Default 0.8.
  300. zoom_in                                Binocular-style zoom - stays in this
  301.                                        mode.
  302. zoom_out                               Return to normal view.
  304. ______________________________________________________________________________